We're making a difference...

And it's fun!

Who we are

We are a volunteer, nonprofit group of people who work and live near Shasta Lake and have a desire to make the city a place of beauty and pride for the community.

We are working together on current and future projects to enhance the city owned property that is undeveloped.

We provide focus for individuals to volunteer their energies and resources, thus furnishing a feeling of belonging to the community.

It provides a source of beauty and peace for residents and tourists driving through our city on the way to Shasta Dam, giving them a positive impression and reason to linger, hopefully adding to our economic health.

So far, we maintain and enhance The Clock Garden, The Memorial Garden, The Native Garden and The Dam Worker’s Park. We are not all about work!

We also promote sharing of our knowledge of local conditions and help people plan and nourish their own gardens.

We have speakers and classes too!

Here are some of our activities...

A Working Group

Enjoying a Speaker

Get in Touch

If you like what you see, please get in touch with us… we’d love to have you join in our love of gardening!

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