
New members are always Welcome! Do not hesitate to join, even if you are not a gardener. We appreciate many skills and talents (organization, art, music, crafts). We want your energy, interests, skills and friendship, and we encourage your participation. We can all share and learn together!

Individual Membership $15
Family Membership $25
Business Membership $45
Sponsor/Benefactor Member $100

Meetings are at 6:00 in the evening on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Visitor’s Center Meeting Room. There will be no meetings in July or August.

Projects Days are on the weekends, however, you are welcome to work with other members at a time when you are available.


We will gladly accept monetary gifts, landscaping tools, containers,
or plants. We are a registered 501c3 organization.
However, YOUR TIME is your most valuable donation. Please attend a
work day, craft day, or monthly meeting to find out more.

For more information please find us on our Facebook page (see link at bottom of page).

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